Chamada Para O Prêmio Excelência Jornalística Da Sociedade Interamericana De Imprensa (SIP) 2013 The best in journalism in the Americas is submitted in the annual excellence in journalism contest of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA).
A SIP ESTENDE O PRAZO PARA INSCRIÇÃO NO SEU CONCURSO "EXCELÊNCIA JORNALÍSTICA 2013" MIAMI, Florida (January 17)The Inter American Press Association reported today that due to the very high number of entries received and the great interest shown in participating it has decided to extend to February 1 the deadline for receipt of entries in the 2013 Excellence in Journalism Awards contest.
SIP publica livro com discursos de personalidades internacionais MIAMI, Florida (March 5, 2013)As a contribution to the cultural and historical heritage of new generations and in celebration of its 70 years the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is to present in Puebla, Mexico, a book titled Oradores Invitados (Guest Speakers), a Spanish-language work that contains 64 outstanding speeches by leading figures in the Americas and Europe, given during the last half century during the organizations membership meetings.
SIP publica livro com discursos de personalidades internacionais (versão corrigida) MIAMI, Florida (March 5, 2013)As a contribution to the cultural and historical heritage of new generations and in celebration of its 70 years the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is to present in Puebla, Mexico, a book titled Oradores Invitados (Guest Speakers), a Spanish-language work that contains 64 outstanding speeches by leading figures in the Americas and Europe, given during the last half century during the organizations membership meetings.
Pronunciamento da SIP sobre o processo de fortalecimento do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos PUEBLA, Mexico (March 9, 2013).The Inter American Press Association (IAPA), during its Midyear Meeting in Puebla, Mexico (March 8 - 11), issued the following statement in which it expresses its concern at the process of reforms of the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS) being propelled by the Organization of American States (OAS).
SIP anuncia jornalistas ganhadores de bolsas para 2013 MIAMI, Florida (March 11, 2013)The Board of Governors of the Scholarship Fund of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today announced the names of four journalists awarded 2013 scholarships for postgraduate studies.
Conclusões da reunião de meio de ano Puebla, Mexico (March 11, 2013). After three days of analysis and discussion on the state of freedom of the press and of expression, the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) released its conclusions, in which the organization highlights violence and constant government harassment as elements that constantly hurt the exercise of journalism in the Americas.
Jornalista colombiana ganha bolsa do The Wall Street Journal/SIP MIAMI, Florida (June 13, 2012)The Board of Governors of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Scholarship Fund today announced that Colombian journalist Rebeca Lucia Galindo has been awarded a scholarship funded by the Dow Jones Foundation for postgraduate studies in the United States. Dow Jones is the publisher of The Wall Street Journal.