Madrid, Espanha
Objetivos do Programa de Bolsas da SIP.
A Sociedade Interamericana de Imprensa foi criada em 1942 para defender e promover o direito dos povos da América de se manterem livremente informados por meio de uma imprensa independente, e para isso é indispensável ter um jornalismo responsável, objetivo e aberto a todas as correntes, e que contribua, assim, para um maior entendimento entre os povos do hemisfério ocidental.
Em 1954 a SIP criou seu Fundo de Bolsas para jovens jornalistas norte-americanos ou canadenses para cursarem um ano letivo em um país da América Latina ou do Caribe. Criou também as bolsas para jovens jornalistas latino-americanos e do Caribe para estudos de pós-graduação em jornalismo em universidades reconhecidas dos Estados Unidos ou do Canadá por um ano letivo.
Os candidatos.
Os candidatos devem ser nativos dos países americanos, jornalistas ou estudantes do último ano da faculdade de jornalismo, ter entre 21 e 35 anos e dominar o idioma do país onde vão estudar. Os estudantes de jornalismo devem terminar o curso universitário antes do início do ano para o qual receberem a bolsa.
Os candidatos latino-americanos deverão fazer o exame de inglês TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).
O local.
Os bolsistas poderão estudar em qualquer faculdade de jornalismo reconhecida das Americas durante um ano letivo. A SIP não recomenda nenhuma faculdade em especial.
A bolsa.
O Fundo de Bolsas da SIP é mantido exclusivamente por contribuições das publicações associadas à SIP e de fundações privadas. A SIP zela pela sua independência e não aceita doações de governos.
Os bolsistas dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá receberão US$20.000 para o ano letivo.
Os bolsistas da América Latina e do Caribe receberão US$20.000 para o ano letivo e as despesas para uma passagem de ida e volta.
Os pagamentos serão feitos em prazos regulares por um membro autorizado do Fundo de Bolsas da SIP. Nesse total (US$20.000) estão incluídos todos os adiantamentos necessários para o/a bolsista que deberá voltar para seu país de origen ao concluir o ano de estudos.
Os bolsistas que estudarem nos Estados Unidos deverão declarar imposto perante a Receita Federal (IRS), e a SIP reterá a quantia estabelecida por lei, se for o caso.
Prazo para inscrições.
As inscrições e os documentos relacionados deverão ser recebidos pela SIP até 31 de janeiro. Os documentos exigidos para se candidatar podem ser enviados também por correio comum para o seguinte endereço: Fondo de Becas SIP, 1801 SW 3rd. Avenue, Miami, FL 33129, USA.
As inscrições devem conter todos os dados solicitados no formulário e os documentos exigidos, caso contrário não serão avaliadas.
Os vencedores serão anunciados em abril de 2016 durante a Reunião de Meio de Ano da SIP. Todos os participantes qualificados receberão aviso oficial da SIP com o resultado das bolsas concedidas.
(Copie e cole este formulário e -mail com os seus dados , certificados e documentos para o Fundo de Bolsas de SIP [email protected] 1801 SW 3rd Avenue , Suite 800 Miami, FL 33129. - EUA )
The IAPA/SIP scholarships are exclusively for newspaper/online reporters or editors, under 35 years of age, who work in Latin America or the Caribbean, to do postgraduate studies in the United States or Canada. Fluency in English or French is mandatory. The scholarships are monetary. Scholars receive $20,000 and round-trip transportation; they are responsible for additional expenses. The program provides no allowance for spouses or children.
These are the steps that you would take to apply:
I. Learn more about our program at
II. Fill out the application form and send us ALL supporting documents by regular or e-mail by January 31, 2016.
The application package should include:
- Scholarship application form.
- Autobiography, around 200 words.
- An essay in your native language about your study plans, 200 words or so.
- Three letters of recommendation, which can be in any language. Ask the people who recommend you to give you the letters in sealed envelopes, and as such you should include them in the application package. If they prefer to e-mail the letters, they can do so to [email protected].
- Your curriculum vitae.
- Three clippings/printouts of your best published articles.
- Copy of your TOEFL score. If you haven't taken the test, do so as soon as possible. Find information at In the absence of a TOEFL score, you must send along any other internationally recognized test score or the application's Certificate of Proficiency in English, which should be filled out by an English-language teacher. If English is your native language, ignore this requirement.
- Copy of your university transcripts and diploma. There is no need to translate or notarize them. High school grades are not necessary.
III. Start the process of applying at an American or Canadian university of your choice. Your chances of winning a scholarship will be greater if you already have been accepted or if you are currently in the admissions process.
Jules Dubois Building, 1801 SW Third Ave., Miami, FL 33129, USA
(305) 634-2465; [email protected]
Last name(s):
First name(s):
Street address:
City, state, ZIP Code:
City and country of birth:
Country of current citizenship:
Date of birth:
Marital status:
Emergency contact in home country: (name, address, telephone, e-mail, relationship):
Emergency contact in country of study: (name, address, telephone, e-mail, relationship):
List schools attended, starting with the most recent:
Name of school and location Degree/Major Dates
Honors, scholarships or fellowships awarded to you:
Additional schooling or activities relevant to your professional training:
List employment positions held, starting with the most recent:
Employer’s name and address Your Position Dates
- List special interests and hobbies:
- List student or professional organizations in which you hold or have held membership:
- List countries, other than your own, that you have visited or in which you have lived, including purpose and dates:
For Latin American applicants:
Your TOEFL score:
(or score of another English-language proficiency test):
Or, when will you take the TOEFL?:
In what university do you plan to study? (We do not guarantee that you will be assigned to the country or university of your choice.)
What are your plans after completing your year of study?
Describe in detail (about 200 words) your purpose in applying for this scholarship and your plans for study if awarded a scholarship. What do you hope to get out of your year of study? What types of courses do you wish to take? And (for U.S. and Canadian applicants only), what research project do you plan to undertake?
Write an autobiography (about 200 words) describing your experiences to date and indicating your plans for the future. This should be not a mere listing of facts but a carefully written essay. It should be written in the language of the country in which you hope to study.
Send transcripts of your university studies.
Have three letters of recommendation (in the preferred language of the letter writer) sent to IAPA Scholarship Fund, Jules Dubois Building, 1801 SW Third Ave., Suite 800, Miami, FL 33129, USA, or to [email protected]
I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to comply with the necessary regulations and to return to my home country upon completion of my studies under this scholarship.
Signature of applicant and date.
Certificate of Language Proficiency
To be filled in by a professor of the language you will use in your study. Ratings should be made on the basis of the applicant’s ability to profit by instruction in this language given in an institution of higher learning.
This should be sent to IAPA Scholarship Fund, Jules Dubois Building, 1801 SW Third Ave., Suite 800, Miami, FL 33129, USA, or to [email protected]
( ) English ( ) French ( ) Portuguese ( ) Spanish
This is to certify that________________________________________________________
has taken an examination of her/his knowledge of ___________________
conducted by me, with the following results:
Ability to understand the spoken language:
Excellent_____ Good_____ Fair_____ Poor_____
Ability to speak the language:
Excellent_____ Good_____ Fair_____ Poor_____
Ability to write the language:
Excellent_____ Good_____ Fair_____ Poor_____
Ability to comprehend the printed page in this language and to translate (name of book used):
Position or Title:
Signature and date: