Condena la SIP amenazas y agresiones contra periodistas y medios en Venezuela Miami (6 de junio de 2012).- La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) rechazó las amenazas y agresiones contra periodistas y medios de comunicación en Venezuela ocurridas en las últimas semanas. Urgió a las autoridades en ese país a identificar y procesar a los responsables como única fórmula para prevenir la violencia.
SIP: Beneplácito diante do governo brasileiro por indenização econômica em assassinato de jornalista IAPA pleased with Brazils indemnization for crimes against journalists Expresses hope that crimes are a thing of the past MIAMI, Florida (January 18, 2010)The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today welcomed news of the approval by the Bahia state government in Brazil to make reparation payments to the family of journalist Manoel Leal de Oliveira, founder and editor of the newspaper A Região, murdered in 1998. This act put the state in compliance with a recommendation by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
Seminário da SIP no Brasil examinará alternativas para minimizar os riscos jornalísticos Miami (May 8, 2012)The Inter American Press Association (IAPA), in conjunction with the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), is to hold at the end of this month in Rio de Janeiro a seminar that will examine cases of options for minimizing risks while covering the news in Brazil, where so far this year four members of the press have been killed.